
Pay $10 for request_construct2_cordova_plugins (including 96+ construct2 cordova plugins).

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01_Cordova_core Cordova Battery: check battery status. [android, blackberry10, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova Camera: get camera picture [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova Capture: capture audio, image, and video [android, ios, blackberry10, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova Contacts: create contact and find contacts [android, ios, blackberry10, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova Device: get device info (cordova version, device's model name, device's OS name, device's UUID, device's OS version). [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova DeviceOrientation: detects the heading that the device is pointed. (compass) [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova Dialog: show dialog message. [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova Event: handle system events. (back button, menu button, search button, volume button, pause, resume) [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova File: read, write file, append file, remove file, copy file, move file, get directory entries and create directory. [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova FileTransfer: download or upload file to your server. (http file download and upload) [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] you can also upload screen captured image file to your server by using PhonegapScreenCapture together. (example capx is included) and if you want to share uploaded image file, you can use CordovaFacebook, ShareApp together. (example capx is included) Cordova Geolocation: access the user's location information such as latitude and longitude., c2 core Geolocation plugin. [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova InAppBrowser: open and handle in app browser (child browser). [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova Media: supports c2's Audio plugin. (c2 Audio plugin seems to use Media plugin on android, wp8) [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova NetworkInfo: check network connection info. [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova SplashScreen: auto hide splash screen right now or after 3 seconds [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova StatusBar: auto hide, hide and show status bar. [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] fix "crosswalk ios does not hide status bar" issue. Cordova Vibration: vibrate device. [android, blackberry10, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] 02_Cordova_extension Cordova Powermanagement: full wake lock for the app which runs for a long time without user interaction. [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova ExitAppAtSecond: exit app app at second on android and wp8 (exit app at first on other platforms). [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AppLauncher: launch app by package (for example com.cranberrygame.testapp) or url schemea (for example testapp://). [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova CustomURLScheme: support custom URL scheme (for example testapp://) for other app to launch this app. [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova Badge: access and modify the badge number of the app icon. [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova Barcode: scan and create barcode. [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova BluetoothSerial: enables serial communication over bluetooth. [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] NOTE: Android uses Classic Bluetooth. iOS uses Bluetooth Low Energy. iOS Bluetooth Low Energy requires iPhone 4S, iPhone5, iPod 5, or iPad3+ Currently iOS only works with RedBear Labs Hardware and Adafruit Bluefruit LE Will not connect Android to Android Will not connect iOS to iOS* Cordova Calendar: use the functionality of native calendar (Create event, Find event, Delete event, Open calendar). [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova Dialer: dial a phone number directly without user ineraction. [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova FlashLight: switch on/off flash light which supports torch mode. [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova ImagePicker: pick image from photo gallery. [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova LocalNotification: send local notification even if app exits, usually suited for time-based apps such as calendar and to-do list apps. [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [phonegap build service] On android, Normal app and backgrounded app can schedule local notification. On ios, Normal app, backgrounded app and ran-and-exited app can schedule local notification. Cordova OptionsMenu: show android options menu [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] working example Cordova NavigationBar: auto hide and hide navigation bar. [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova PhoneCallStatus: check phone call status. (ringing, off hook, idle) [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova Print: use AirPrint for iOS and Google Cloud Print for android. [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova ScreenCapture: capture screen or sprite to image file [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] you can also upload captured image file to your server by using PhonegapFileTransfer together. Cordova ScreenOrientation: auto lock screen orientation, lock and unlock screen orientation. [android, *blackberry10*, ios, *wp8] [cordova cli] [phonegap build service] Cordova ScreenOrientationLandscape: auto lock screen orientation landscape. (fix xdk not locking ios orientation issue) [ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [phonegap build service] Cordova ScreenOrientationPortrait: auto lock screen orientation portrait. (fix xdk not locking ios orientation issue) [ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [phonegap build service] Cordova Shortcut: create shortcut in the home screen. [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova SMS: show send SMS form with inputed phone number and message. [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova SoftKeyboard: show and hide soft keyboard. [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova SpeechRecognition: recognize speech [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova TextToSpeech: text to speech [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova Toast: show a native toast (a little text popup). [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova VolumeSlider: add a native volume slider (MPVolumeView) to your app. [ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] Cordova WallPaper: set wall paper image. [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] 03_Cordova_extension_share Cordova Facebook: facebook login, prompt wall post, publish wall post, publish score, show leaderboard and invite. [android, ios] [crosswalk android = android, crosswalk ios = ios] [cordova cli] requires facebook developer account 04_Html5_share DownloadApp: open download app url. [HTML5 website] [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] MoreApps: open more apps url. [HTML5 website] [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] ReviewApp: show review dialog automatically per 5 run. So people who ran your app 5 times will be notified to review your app. [HTML5 website] [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] ShareApp: share app via SNS (facebook, twitter, google+, whatsapp, line, SMS, email) [HTML5 website] [android, blackberry10, ios, windows8, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [ejecta] Share app via facebook: (only link is automatically pasted on android) 05_Cordova_extension_game Cordova Game: show leaderboard and achievements (google play game and game center, SDK) [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] 06_Cordova_extension_ad Cordova AdBuddiz: show adbuddiz full screen ad [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires adbuddiz account Cordova iAd: show iad banner ad [ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires apple developer account Cordova pubCenter: show microsoft pubcenter banner ad [windows8 (is supported only for construct2)] [wp8] [crodova cli] [phonegap build service] requires microsoft pubcenter account Cordova AdDuplex: show adduplex exchange banner ad [wp8] [cordova cli] requires adduplex account Cordova AdDuplexBanner: show adduplex exchange banner ad [windows8] [cordova cli] requires adduplex account Cordova Leadbolt: show leadbolt app ad (alert, banner, offer wall and full screen) and audio (sdk) [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires leadbolt developer account banner ad added Cordova MoceanBanner: show mocean blackberry10 banner ad [blackberry10] [cordova cli] requires blackberry advertising service account 07_Cordova_extension_ad_admob Cordova Admob: show admob banner and full screen ad [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires admob account Cordova AdmobAdColony: admob-adcolony mediation [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AdmobFacebookAds: admob-facebookads mediation [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AdmobFlurryAds: admob-flurryads mediation [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AdmobiAd: admob-iad mediation [ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AdmobInMobi: admob-inmobi mediation [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AdmobLeadbolt: admob-leadbolt mediation [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AdmobMillennialMedia: admob-millennialmedia mediation [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AdmobMobFox: admob-mobfox mediation [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova AdmobMoPub: admob-mopub mediation [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] 08_Cordova_extension_ad_video Cordova AdColony: Show adcolony interstitial ad and rewarded video ad [android, ios] [crodova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires adcolony account Cordova Appodeal: show appodeal banner ad, interstitial ad and rewarded video ad. [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires appodeal account Cordova Chartboost: show chartboost interstitial (static interstitial, video interstial), more apps, rewarded video ad [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires chartboost account Cordova RevMob: show revmob banner, interstitial, video, rewarded video, popup, link ad. [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires revmob account Cordova UnityAds: show unityads video ad and rewarded video ad (pays high $0.05 per ad view). [android, ios] [crodova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires unityads account Cordova Vungle: show vungle rewarded ad [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires vungle account 09_Html5_ad Leadbolt: show leadbolt banner ad and interstitial ad [HTML5 website] [blackberry10, windows8] [crodova cli] [xdk] requires leadbolt account 10_Cordova_extension_payment Cordova IAP: in app purchase [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] requires google play developer account requires apple developer account requires windows phone developer account wp8 is not yet supported Cordova PayPal: paypal payment [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires paypal developer account 11_Cordova_extension_pushnotification Cordova ParsePushNotification: send push notification. [android, ios, wp8] [crodova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] [phonegap build service] requires parse account Cordova PushNotification: send push notification. [android, ios, wp8] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires pushwoosh account (free for 5 apps) 12_Cordova_extension_analytics Cordova AppsFlyer: appsflyer analytics [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires appsflyer account Cordova FlurryAnalytics: flurry analytics (sdk) [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires flurry analytics account Cordova GoogleAnalytics: google analytics (sdk) [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires google analytics account (mobile app) 13_Html5_analytics Mixpanel: mixpanel analytics [HTML5 website] [android, ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] requires mixpanel account Referrer: check referrer, especially check Google Play Store Campaign code. [HTML5 website] [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] ex) url including referrer code example1 (see: market://details?id=com.cranberrygame.avoidshit&referrer=utm_source%3Dfacebookad%26utm_medium%3Dbanner%26utm_campaign%3Dfacebookad http://localhost:50000/?referrer=utm_source%3Dfacebookad%26utm_medium%3Dbanner%26utm_campaign%3Dfacebookad ex) url including referrer code example2 market://details?id=com.cranberrygame.avoidshit&referrer=facebookad http://localhost:50000/?referrer=facebookad 14_Cordova_extension_performance Cordova WebViewPlus: support ludei Webview+ for android (Android 4.x) [android] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] Cordova WKWebView: support apple WKWebView for ios8 [ios] [cordova cli] [xdk] [cocoon] 15_exampleonly_cordovatemplate cordovatemplate1 cordovatemplate1_share_game_ad_iap_removeadsiap.capx cordovatemplate2 cordovatemplate2_share_game_ad_iap_removeadsiap_coiniap_continue.capx cordovatemplate3 cordovatemplate3_share_game_ad_iap_removeadsiap_coiniap_continue_selectcharacter.capx cordovatemplate4 cordovatemplate4_facebookshare_facebookgame_ad_removeadsiap.capx cordovatemplate5 cordovatemplate5_freecoinsdailyreward.capx cordovatemplate6 cordovatemplate6_freecoinsviewad_requires id_sample app id.capx cordovatemplate7 cordovatemplate7_freecoinsfacebookshare.capx 16_exampleonly_other 17_deprecated_no_longer_supported